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What to expect on your first visit

Understanding your problem


Your first session with the osteopath will begin with a consultation to discuss the primary complaint(s) that you are seeking help for, including questions pertaining to your previous injury, medical and surgical history, lifestyle and dietary habits. If you have already taken any X-rays or CT/MRI scans, please bring them with you. We take the time to understand how your symptoms are affecting you, and use the information given to develop a picture to base an examination procedure relevant to your needs. 


Postural assessment at The PainFree Clinic

Explaining your diagnosis and prognosis

Your osteopath will then explain the most probable cause(s) of your presenting symptoms in a clear, jargon-free manner. A treatment and management plan will be outlined, together with a prognosis of how long treatment is likely to take. Depending on the complexity of the problem, most patients see a definite change in their symptoms within 3 to 6 sessions of osteopathic treatment. Addressing the root cause(s) of pain requires a reasonable measure of consistency and regularity in treatment and self-management. Your osteopath may suggest that you consider committing to a few weekly sessions, for example, in order for the improvement of your condition to be better sustained. Osteopathy provides not a quick-fix but incremental and definite changes to health and quality of life.

Pain Relief Treatment at The PainFree Clinic

Take a look at a typical session with your Osteopath

Here is a video clip produced by GetDoc on what to expect on your visit to our clinic.

Clinical examination

During the examination and treatment the patient will be asked to remove certain clothing, usually down to the underwear to allow the osteopath to work on the local and distant sites relating to their symptoms. Comfortable treatment gowns will be provided for modesty. The physical examination comprises of movement evaluation and tissue palpation, using a gentle but keen sense of touch to feel precisely where the abnormal tension and restrictions are in your body. Other orthopaedic, neurological, medical or radiological assessments may be considered if indicated.

Pain Relief Consultation at The PainFree Clinic

Treatment and advice

The treatment itself will consist of the different techniques used within osteopathy ranging from soft-tissue massage, trigger point release, joint traction and mobilisation, nerve-gliding techniques as necessary for each and every patient. Take note that your body will continue to adjust and integrate treatment effects over the next 2-3 days, so some post-treatment soreness during this period is normal. You will also be given useful advice and practical exercises to sustain the positive changes that have already been initiated from your treatment session. Subsequent sessions will involve reassessment of your progress, and your treatment will be adjusted accordingly to target better recovery.

Pain Relief Consultation at The PainFree Clinic

The PainFree Clinic 10 Sinaran Drive, #09–09 Novena Medical Center, Singapore 307506                         

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